Zeile 1: |
Zeile 1: |
| local p = {} --local p = {} -- p steht für Paket (engl. package)
| | /* Das folgende CSS wird für alle Benutzeroberflächen geladen. */ |
| |
| function split (inputstr, sep)
| | /* +++++ 0. Generelle Wikiformatierung +++++ */ |
| | .image, a#top{ |
| | background:none !important; |
| | padding-right: 0px !important; |
| | text-decoration: none; |
| | } |
| | .image:hover, a#top:hover{ |
| | background:none !important; |
| | } |
| | .mw-body a:not([rel="nofollow"]), .mw-body .external{ |
| | background-position: center right; |
| | background-repeat: no-repeat; |
| | background-image: url(/skins/Vector/images/external-link-ltr-icon.png?325de); |
| | padding-right: 13px; |
| | text-decoration: underline; |
| | } |
| | .mw-body a:not([rel="nofollow"]):hover, .mw-body .external:hover{ |
| | background-color: #bdbdbd; |
| | } |
| | .mw-body h1{ |
| | font-size: 2.7em !important; |
| | font-family: "tahoma" !important; |
| | } |
| | .mw-body :not(.toctitle)> h2{ |
| | font-size: 2.3em !important; |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | font-family: "tahoma" !important; |
| | } |
| |
| if sep == nil then
| | .mw-body h3{ |
| sep = "%s"
| | font-size: 1.9em !important; |
| end | | border-bottom: 1px solid #a2a9b1; |
| local t={} | | font-family: "tahoma" !important; |
| for str in string.gmatch(string.gsub(inputstr,sep, "\0"),"%Z+") do | | font-weight: normal !important; |
| table.insert(t, str)
| | } |
| end | |
| return t
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function copy(obj, seen)
| | .mw-body h4{ |
| if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return obj end
| | font-size: 1.6em !important; |
| if seen and seen[obj] then return seen[obj] end
| | font-family: "tahoma"; |
| local s = seen or {}
| | } |
| local res = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(obj))
| |
| s[obj] = res
| |
| for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[copy(k, s)] = copy(v, s) end
| |
| return res
| |
| end
| |
| function tabContains(tableasd, keaaay)
| |
| solution = nil --"key: "..keaaay.."\n\n"
| |
| for numgasbr,crreasdnt in pairs(tableasd) do | |
| if (tableasd[numgasbr] == keaaay) then
| |
| solution = numgasbr
| |
| end
| |
| --solution = solution..numgasbr..": "..crreasdnt[numgasbr].."\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| return solution
| |
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function displaytablevert(taable)
| | .mw-body h5{ |
| endresutl=""
| | font-size: 1.3em !important; |
| if (taable==nil or taable[1]==nil) then
| | font-family: "tahoma"; |
| return endresutl
| | } |
| end
| |
| for nnnn,entri in pairs(taable) do
| |
| endresutl=endresutl..entri.."\n"
| |
| end
| |
| return endresutl
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function displaytablehor(taaable)
| | /* +++++ 1. HAUPTSEITE +++++ */ |
| endresutal=""
| | .mw-wiki-logo { |
| if (taaable==nil or taaable[1]==nil) then
| | background-size: 100%; |
| return endresutal
| | } |
| end
| |
| for nn,entria in pairs(taaable) do
| |
| endresutal=endresutal..entria.." - "
| |
| end
| |
| return endresutal
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function displaytabletwo(taaaable)
| | .heroimage img, .heroimage { |
| endresutaal="" | | max-width: 100%; |
| if (taaaable==nil or taaaable[1]==nil) then | | max-height: 100%; |
| return endresutaal
| | width: 100%; |
| end | | height: 100%; |
| for nnn,entriaa in pairs(taaaable) do | | border: 0 !important; |
| endresutaal=endresutaal..displaytablehor(entriaa).."\n\n"
| | margin: auto; |
| end | | margin-top: 2px; |
| return endresutaal | | } |
| end
| |
| |
| | .sub { |
| | padding: 10px 0px 15px; |
| | } |
| |
| function gmatchtable(text, pattern)
| | div#hauptseite h2 { |
| ztable={} | | font-family: inherit; |
| | | font-size: 1.5em; |
| for word in string.gmatch(text, pattern) do | | font-weight: bold; |
| table.insert(ztable,word)
| | line-height: 1.5; |
| end | | margin: 0; |
| | padding: .1em 0; |
| return ztable | | } |
| end
| | div#hauptseite h3 { |
| | font-family: inherit; |
| | font-size: 1em; |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | line-height: 1.5; |
| | margin: 0; |
| | padding: .1em 0; |
| | } |
| | #hauptseite .inhalt { |
| | border-top: 0; |
| | min-height: 0; /* IE 7 */ |
| | padding: .3em .8em .4em; |
| | } |
| | #hauptseite .inhalt hr { |
| | height: 1px; |
| | margin: .5em 0; |
| | } |
| | #hauptseite .inhalt .mehr { |
| | clear: both; |
| | font-size: 95%; |
| | margin-top: .8em; |
| | text-align: right; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-oben, |
| | .hauptseite-obenlinks, |
| | .hauptseite-obenrechts, |
| | .hauptseite-links, |
| | .hauptseite-rechts, |
| | .hauptseite-hinweise, |
| | .hauptseite-mitte{ |
| | margin-bottom: 1em; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-obenlinks, |
| | .hauptseite-links { |
| | margin-right: .5em; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-obenrechts, |
| | .hauptseite-hinweise, |
| | .hauptseite-rechts { |
| | margin-left: .5em; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-oben h2, |
| | .hauptseite-obenlinks h2, |
| | .hauptseite-obenrechts h2, |
| | .hauptseite-hinweise h2, |
| | .hauptseite-mitte h2, |
| | .hauptseite-unten h2 { |
| | text-align: center; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-oben .inhalt .portale { |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | margin: .2em 0; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-oben .inhalt .intern { |
| | font-size: 90%; |
| | text-align: center; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-links h2, |
| | .hauptseite-hinweise h2, |
| | .hauptseite-rechts h2, |
| | .hauptseite-unten h2 { |
| | text-indent: .8em; |
| | } |
| | .hauptseite-links h3, |
| | .hauptseite-hinweise h3, |
| | .hauptseite-rechts h3, |
| | .hauptseite-unten h3 { |
| | text-indent: .8em; |
| | } |
| |
| function tablelength(T)
| | .hauptseite-unten h3 { |
| local count = 0
| | font-size: 1.15em; |
| if (T==nil or T[1]==nil) then
| | } |
| return 0
| | |
| end
| | #hauptseite .mw-headline-anchor { |
| for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
| | display: none; |
| return count
| | } |
| end
| |
| |
| function getindexformat()
| | /* +++++ 2. KATEGORIE-KLAPPBOXEN +++++ */ |
| title = mw.title.new( "Indexformat", "Yggdrasil" )
| | .categoryListTitle { |
| content = title:getContent()
| | font-family: inherit; |
| content = string.gsub(content, "</pre>.-<pre>" , "!!!")
| | font-size: 1em; |
| content = string.gsub(content, "</pre>.*" , "")
| | font-weight: bold; |
| content = string.gsub(content, ".*<pre>" , "")
| | color: #ffffff; |
| content = string.gsub(content, "|" , "\n|")
| | line-height: 1.5; |
| content = split(content,"!!!")
| | margin: 0; |
| return content
| | padding: .1em 10px; |
| | text-decoration: underline; |
| | border: 2px solid #A3ACBE; |
| | } |
| |
| end
| | .categoryListColumn:hover .categoryListTitle { |
| | border: 2px solid #838FA7; |
| | text-decoration: none; |
| | } |
| |
| | .categoryList.hidden { |
| | display: none; |
| | } |
| |
| function getheader( title, namespace )
| | .categoryList.shown { |
| title = mw.title.new( title, namespace )
| | display: block; |
| content = title:getContent()
| | } |
| content = string.gsub(content, "%=%=+", "§§§")
| |
| content = split("hallo"..content, "§§§")
| |
| iiii = 2
| |
| iiiii = 1
| |
| length = tablelength(content)
| |
| finaltext={}
| |
| while (iiii<=length) do
| |
| finaltext[iiiii] = content[iiii]
| |
| iiii = iiii + 2
| |
| iiiii = iiiii + 1
| |
| end
| |
| return finaltext
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function getheaderlimit( title, namespace )
| | .categoryList-item { |
| limiit = tonumber(string.sub(title, string.len(title)))
| | font-size: 1em; |
| title = string.sub(title, 1, string.len(title)-2)
| | } |
| title = mw.title.new( title, namespace )
| |
| content = title:getContent()
| |
| curhead=""
| |
| while (0<=limiit) do
| |
| curhead = curhead.."%="
| |
| limiit = limiit-1
| |
| end
| |
| curhead = curhead.."+"
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, curhead, "no")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "%=%=+", "§§§")
| |
| content = split("hallo"..content, "§§§")
| |
| iiii = 2
| |
| iiiii = 1
| |
| length = tablelength(content)
| |
| endtext={}
| |
| while (iiii<=length) do
| |
| endtext[iiiii] = content[iiii]
| |
| iiii = iiii + 2
| |
| iiiii = iiiii + 1
| |
| end
| |
| return endtext
| |
| end
| |
| |
| | .categoryList { |
| | padding: 5px 10px; |
| | background: white; |
| | } |
| |
| | .categoryListRow { |
| | display: flex; |
| | flex-wrap: wrap; |
| | } |
| |
| | .categoryListColumn { |
| | flex-grow: 1; |
| | flex-basis: 10%; |
| |
| | background: #A3ACBE; |
| | } |
| |
| function cut( limit, realtext )
| | .categoryListColumn:hover { |
| testtext = ""
| | flex-grow: 1; |
| | flex-basis: 10%; |
| realtext = removespaceinlink(realtext) --Die Schmiede
| |
| srealtext = split(realtext, " ") --Die|Schmiede(list)
| |
| i = 2; --2
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..i..": "
| |
| |
| text = display(removespaceinlink(realtext)) --Die Schmiede
| |
| stext = split(text, " ") --Die|Schmiede(list)
| |
| |
| if(table.getn(stext)==1) then
| |
| if(string.len(stext[1])>limit) then
| |
| return "%@%"..text
| |
| else
| |
| return text.."%@%"
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| cuttext = stext[1] --Die
| |
| realcuttext = srealtext[1] --Die
| |
| |
| nextwo = stext[2] --Schmiede
| |
| realnextwo = srealtext[2] --Schmiede
| |
| |
| nextlen = string.len(nextwo)--8
| |
| textlen = string.len(text)--12
| |
| cuttextlen = string.len(cuttext)--3
| |
| |
| set = true;
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..i..": "..realcuttext
| |
| |
| if(limit>=textlen)then --4>=12
| |
| return realtext.."%@%"
| |
| |
| elseif(cuttextlen>limit) then--3>4
| |
| return "%@%"..realtext
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| else
| | background: #838FA7; |
| while (cuttextlen+nextlen+1<=textlen+2) do --8+3+1<=12+2(12<=14)|14+3+1<=12+2(18<=14)
| | } |
| |
| if(cuttextlen+nextlen+1>limit and set) then --8+3+1>4(12>4)|
| |
| set = false
| |
| cuttext = cuttext.."%@%" --"Die %@%"
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext.."%@%" --"Die %@%"
| |
| |
| else
| |
| cuttext = cuttext.." " --
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext.." " --
| |
| |
| end
| |
| -- testtext = testtext..tostring(i)..": "..realcuttext.."<br />"
| |
| i = i + 1 --3
| |
| |
| cuttext = cuttext..nextwo -- "Die%@%Schmiede"
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext..realnextwo -- "Die%@%Schmiede"
| |
| |
| nextwo = stext[i]-- nil
| |
| realnextwo = srealtext[i]-- nil
| |
| |
| if (nextwo ~= nil) then
| |
| nextlen = string.len(nextwo) -- 5
| |
| end
| |
| cuttextlen = string.len(cuttext) -- 14
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..i..": "..realcuttext
| |
| |
| end
| |
| realnextwo = srealtext[i]
| |
| if (realnextwo ~= nil) then
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext.." "..realnextwo
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..(i+1)..": "..realcuttext
| |
| return realcuttext
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function headertotablelimit(title, namespace)
| | .break-1 .categoryListColumn { |
| limiiiit = tonumber(string.sub(title, string.len(title)))-1
| | min-width: 100%; |
| title = string.sub(title, 1, string.len(title)-2)
| | } |
| title = mw.title.new( title, namespace )
| |
| content = title.getContent(title)
| |
| original = headertotable(content)
| |
| neworiginal = {}
| |
| for nnnnn,entriii in ipairs(original) do
| |
| if (tablelength(entriii)<=limiiiit) then
| |
| neworiginal[nnnnn] = entriii
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| return neworiginal
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function display ( text )
| | .break-2 .categoryListColumn { |
| text = text:gsub("'", "")
| | min-width: 50%; |
| lend = string.len(text)
| | } |
| ii=1
| |
| auf = {}
| |
| zu = {}
| |
| currentauf = string.find(text, "%[%[")
| |
| while (currentauf ~= nil) do
| |
| auf[ii] = currentauf;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")~=nil)then
| |
| currentauf = currentauf+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")
| |
| else
| |
| currentauf = nil
| |
| end
| |
| |
| ii=ii+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| ii=1
| |
| currentzu = string.find(text, "%|")
| |
| while (currentzu ~= nil) do
| |
| zu[ii] = currentzu;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%|")~=nil)then
| |
| currentzu = currentzu+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%|")
| |
| else
| |
| currentzu = nil
| |
| end
| |
| ii=ii+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| offset = 0
| |
| |
| if(table.getn(auf) == table.getn(zu))then
| |
| |
| ii=1
| |
| while (table.getn(auf)>=ii) do
| |
| anfang = auf[ii]
| |
| ende = zu[ii]
| |
| tt, uu = string.find(string.sub(text, 1, anfang-offset+1), "%[%[(.+)%|")
| |
| text = string.gsub(string.sub(text, 1, anfang-offset+1), "%[%[(.+)%|", "")..string.sub(text,anfang-offset+2,string.len(text))
| |
| -- text = string.sub(text,1,anfang-offset+1)..string.sub(text,ende+1-offset,string.len(text))
| |
| if (tt ~= nil) and (uu ~= nil) then
| |
| offset = offset+uu-tt
| |
| end
| |
| ii=ii+1
| |
| end
| |
| text = string.gsub(text, "%[%[(.+)%|", "")
| |
| end
| |
| |
| -- text = text:gsub("%[", "")
| |
| -- text = text:gsub("%|", "")
| |
| text = text:gsub("%]", "")
| |
| |
| | .break-3 .categoryListColumn { |
| | min-width: 33.333%; |
| | } |
| |
| return text
| | .break-4 .categoryListColumn { |
| end
| | min-width: 25%; |
| | } |
| |
| function removespaceinlink(text)
| | .break-5 .categoryListColumn { |
| iii=1
| | min-width: 20%; |
| auf = {}
| | } |
| zu = {}
| |
| currentauf = string.find(text, "%[%[")
| |
| while (currentauf ~= nil) do
| |
| auf[iii] = currentauf;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")~=nil)then
| |
| currentauf = currentauf+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")
| |
| else
| |
| currentauf = nil
| |
| end
| |
| |
| iii=iii+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| iii=1
| |
| currentzu = string.find(text, "%]%]")
| |
| while (currentzu ~= nil) do
| |
| zu[iii] = currentzu;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%]%]")~=nil)then
| |
| currentzu = currentzu+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%]%]")
| |
| else
| |
| currentzu = nil
| |
| end
| |
| iii=iii+1
| |
| end
| |
| if(table.getn(auf) == table.getn(zu))then
| |
| iii=1
| |
| while (table.getn(auf)>=iii) do
| |
| anfang = auf[iii]
| |
| ende = zu[iii]
| |
| text = string.sub(text,1,anfang-1)..string.gsub(string.sub(text,anfang,ende)," ","§")..string.sub(text,ende+1,string.len(text))
| |
| |
| iii=iii+1
| | .break-6 .categoryListColumn { |
| end
| | min-width: 16.66666%; |
| end
| | } |
| |
| return text
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function gethighest( tabhle )
| | .break-7 .categoryListColumn { |
| highest = tabhle[1]
| | min-width: 14.285%; |
| for numgbr,crregnt in ipairs(tabhle) do
| | } |
| if (highest<tabhle[numgbr]) then
| |
| highest=tabhle[numgbr]
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| return highest
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function duptable( tabhdhle )
| | .break-8 .categoryListColumn { |
| dupe = {}
| | min-width: 12.5%; |
| nothertab = {}
| | } |
| for nuamgbr,craregnt in pairs(tabhdhle) do
| |
| reallycontains = tabContains(nothertab,craregnt)
| |
| if (reallycontains==nil) then
| |
| nothertab[nuamgbr] = craregnt
| |
| else
| |
| tempdupetable = {reallycontains,nuamgbr}
| |
| table.insert(dupe,tempdupetable)
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| return dupe
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function schlagwortliste()
| | .break-9 .categoryListColumn { |
| tiasdtasdfle = mw.title.new( "Schlagwortliste", "Yggdrasil" )
| | min-width: 11.1111%; |
| contegfgdfndasdat = tiasdtasdfle:getContent()
| | } |
| schlagworttable = {}
| |
| for thingis in string.gmatch(contegfgdfndasdat, "%{%{o%|.-%|") do
| |
| iuadiuh = string.sub(thingis,5,string.len(thingis)-1)
| |
| if (iuadiuh~="Name") then
| |
| table.insert(schlagworttable,iuadiuh)
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| return schlagworttable
| | .break-10 .categoryListColumn { |
| | min-width: 10%; |
| | } |
| |
| end
| | /* +++++ 3. BOX-HALTENDE HOWKYS +++++ */ |
| | .howky |
| | { |
| | position: relative; |
| | } |
| |
| function gegvorapi()
| | .howky:after, .howky.tragendBeidseitig:before { |
| listxy = {}
| | position: absolute; |
| gegtitle = mw.title.new( "Gegenstände", "Yggdrasil" )
| | display: block; |
| gegcontent = gegtitle:getContent()
| | content: ''; |
| tabbbb = headertotable(gegcontent)
| | background-size: cover; |
| headerewnds = {}
| | background-position: 0 0; |
| tempzwweites = {}
| | background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; |
| tempzudreites = 0
| | } |
| tempzudreitasdafsaes = 0
| |
| for eiwnes,zwwweites in pairs(tabbbb) do
| |
| if (tablelength(zwwweites) == 3) then
| |
| tempzwweites = copy(zwwweites)
| |
| x,tempzudreites = string.find(gegcontent,"===="..tempzwweites[3].."====")
| |
| tempzudreitasdafsaes,x = string.find(gegcontent,"\n=", tempzudreites)
| |
| if (tempzudreitasdafsaes==nil) then
| |
| tempzudreitasdafsaes = string.len(gegcontent)
| |
| end
| |
| tempzwweites[4] = string.gsub(string.sub(gegcontent,tempzudreites+1,tempzudreitasdafsaes-1),"<.->","")
| |
| table.insert(listxy,tempzwweites)
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| |
| return listxy -- 1:Category 2: Subcategory 3: Name 4:content
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function zeros(intedhfgjdgkztger)
| | .howky.knieendUntenLinks:after { |
| resdgsgst = "" | | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/c/c5/Howky_Kniened_Unten.png); |
| while (intedhfgjdgkztger>0) do | | height: 76px; |
| resdgsgst=resdgsgst.."0"
| | width: 63px; |
| intedhfgjdgkztger=intedhfgjdgkztger-1
| | bottom: -76px; |
| end
| | left: 0; |
| return resdgsgst | | } |
| end
| |
| |
| function ones(intedhfgjdfasgkztger)
| | .howky.knieendUntenRechts:after { |
| resdgsasdgst = "" | | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/c/c5/Howky_Kniened_Unten.png); |
| while (intedhfgjdfasgkztger>0) do | | height: 76px; |
| resdgsasdgst=resdgsasdgst.."1"
| | width: 63px; |
| intedhfgjdfasgkztger=intedhfgjdfasgkztger-1
| | bottom: -76px; |
| end
| | right: 0; |
| return resdgsasdgst | | } |
| end
| |
| |
| function gegapi()
| | .howky.stehendUntenLinks:after { |
| catlist = {}
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/6/6b/Howky_Stehend_Unten.png); |
| nosortlist = {}
| | height: 76px; |
| unforlist = gegvorapi()
| | width: 44px; |
| temptable = {}
| | bottom: -76px; |
| temprest = ""
| | left: 0; |
| tempsplittable = {}
| | } |
| nothertempsplittable = {}
| |
| tempimg = nil
| |
| for numd, keyd in pairs(unforlist) do
| |
| temptable = {}
| |
| if (catlist[keyd[1]] == nil) then
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]] = {}
| |
| end
| |
| if (catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]] == nil) then
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]] = {}
| |
| end
| |
| if (catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd] == nil) then
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd] = {}
| |
| end
| |
| temptable["Category"] = keyd[1]
| |
| temptable["Subcategory"] = keyd[2]
| |
| temptable["Name"] = keyd[3]
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd]["Name"] = keyd[3]
| |
| temptable["Text"] = string.gsub(string.gsub(split(keyd[4], "\n%|\n")[2],"%}%}",""),"\n\n","")
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd]["Text"] = temptable["Text"]
| |
| temprest = split(keyd[4], "\n%|\n")[1]
| |
| tempimg = string.match(temprest,"img=.-\n")
| |
| anothertemp = ""
| |
| if (tempimg~= nil) then
| |
| temptable["Img"] = string.sub(tempimg,5)
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd]["Img"] = temptable["Img"]
| |
| end
| |
| temprest = string.gsub(string.gsub(temprest,"\n",""), "{{YggTab.-|!", "")
| |
| temprest = string.gsub(temprest, "{{YggTab|!", "|-|!")
| |
| temprest = split(temprest,"|%-|!")
| |
| for tri,asdf in pairs(temprest) do
| |
| tempsplittable = split(asdf,"|")
| |
| intindex = 2
| |
| nothertempsplittable = {}
| |
| while (intindex<=tablelength(tempsplittable)) do
| |
| anothertemp = tempsplittable[intindex]
| |
| if (string.find(anothertemp,"/")==1) then
| |
| anothertemp = string.sub(anothertemp,2)
| |
| elseif (string.find(anothertemp,":")~=nil) then
| |
| anothertemp = "[[Yggdrasil:"..split(anothertemp,":")[1].."|"..split(anothertemp,":")[2].."]]"
| |
| end
| |
| table.insert(nothertempsplittable,anothertemp)
| |
| intindex = intindex + 1
| |
| end
| |
| temptable[tempsplittable[1]] = copy(nothertempsplittable)
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd][tempsplittable[1]] = temptable[tempsplittable[1]]
| |
| if (tempsplittable[1]=="Schlagwörter") then
| |
| temptable[tempsplittable[1]] = split(temptable[tempsplittable[1]][1],", ")
| |
| catlist[keyd[1]][keyd[2]][numd][tempsplittable[1]] = temptable[tempsplittable[1]]
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| table.insert(nosortlist,temptable)
| |
| |
| end
| |
| return nosortlist, catlist
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function changebin(binaasdasfgggary, integeeer)
| | .howky.stehendUntenRechts:after { |
| binaaasdfhry = binaasdasfgggary
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/6/6b/Howky_Stehend_Unten.png); |
| tochange = string.sub(binaaasdfhry, integeeer, integeeer)
| | height: 76px; |
| if(tochange == "1") then
| | width: 44px; |
| binaaasdfhry = string.sub(binaaasdfhry,1,integeeer-1).."0"..string.sub(binaaasdfhry,integeeer+1)
| | bottom: -76px; |
| elseif(tochange == "0") then | | right: 0; |
| binaaasdfhry = string.sub(binaaasdfhry,1,integeeer-1).."1"..string.sub(binaaasdfhry,integeeer+1)
| | } |
| end
| |
| return binaaasdfhry
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function multchangebin(binaaghdfghsdgggary, integeeerstart, integeeerend)
| | .howky.tragendBeidseitig:after { |
| while (integeeerstart<=integeeerend) do
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/1/19/Howky_Stehend_Rechts.png); |
| binaaghdfghsdgggary = changebin(binaaghdfghsdgggary,integeeerstart)
| | height: 76px; |
| integeeerstart = integeeerstart+1
| | width: 41px; |
| end
| | bottom: 0; |
| return binaaghdfghsdgggary
| | right: -41px; |
| end
| | } |
| |
| function multset(binaafgdhjhsdgggary, numbertoset, integerstart, integerend)
| | .howky.tragendBeidseitig:before { |
| if (numbertoset == "1") then
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/5/51/Howky_Stehend_Links.png); |
| binaafgdhjhsdgggary = string.sub(binaafgdhjhsdgggary, 0, integerstart-1)..ones(integerend-integerstart+1)..string.sub(binaafgdhjhsdgggary, integerend+1)
| | height: 76px; |
| elseif(numbertoset == "0") then
| | width: 41px; |
| binaafgdhjhsdgggary = string.sub(binaafgdhjhsdgggary, 0, integerstart-1)..zeros(integerend-integerstart+1)..string.sub(binaafgdhjhsdgggary, integerend+1)
| | bottom: 0; |
| end
| | left: -41px; |
| return binaafgdhjhsdgggary
| | } |
| end
| |
| |
| function multchangebinall(binaasdgggary, integerstart, integerend)
| | /* +++++ 4. BOX-HALTENDE HOWKYS +++++ */ |
| izgovouv = string.sub(binaasdgggary, integerstart, integerend)
| | .howkyContainer |
| if (izgovouv~=ones(integerend-integerstart+1)) then
| | { |
| binaasdgggary = multset(binaasdgggary, "1",integerstart, integerend)
| | position: relative; |
| else
| | } |
| binaasdgggary = multset(binaasdgggary, "0",integerstart, integerend)
| |
| end
| |
| return binaasdgggary
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function tran(integedasfr)
| | .howky:after, .howky.tragendBeidseitig:before { |
| integerotut = integedasfr | | position: absolute; |
| if (integedasfr=="1") then | | display: block; |
| integerotut = "tagselected"
| | content: ''; |
| elseif (integedasfr=="0") then | | background-size: cover; |
| integerotut = "tagunselected"
| | background-position: 0 0; |
| end
| | background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; |
| return integerotut | | } |
| end
| |
| |
| function trancat(integdfghedasfr)
| | .howky.knieendUntenLinks:after { |
| integerdfghotut = integdfghedasfr | | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/c/c5/Howky_Kniened_Unten.png); |
| if (integdfghedasfr=="1") then | | height: 76px; |
| integerdfghotut = "catselected"
| | width: 63px; |
| elseif (integdfghedasfr=="0") then | | bottom: -76px; |
| integerdfghotut = "catunselected"
| | left: 0; |
| end
| | } |
| return integerdfghotut
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function tranlinkopen(integasdedasfr)
| | .howky.knieendUntenRechts:after { |
| integerasdotut = integasdedasfr | | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/c/c5/Howky_Kniened_Unten.png); |
| if (integasdedasfr=="1") then | | height: 76px; |
| integerasdotut = '<span class="linkwhite">'
| | width: 63px; |
| elseif (integasdedasfr=="0") then | | bottom: -76px; |
| integerasdotut = '<span class="linkred">'
| | right: 0; |
| end
| | } |
| return integerasdotut
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function multtran(intedfgsdggedasfr)
| | .howky.stehendUntenLinks:after { |
| integerodfghdfghtut = intedfgsdggedasfr | | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/6/6b/Howky_Stehend_Unten.png); |
| if (intedfgsdggedasfr==ones(string.len(intedfgsdggedasfr))) then
| | height: 76px; |
| integerodfghdfghtut = "tagselected"
| | width: 44px; |
| else | | bottom: -76px; |
| integerodfghdfghtut = "tagunselected"
| | left: 0; |
| end
| | } |
| return integerodfghdfghtut | |
| end
| |
| |
| function multtranlinkopen(intedsdfgsdfgfgsdggedasfr)
| | .howky.stehendUntenRechts:after { |
| asdfintegerodfghdfghtut = intedsdfgsdfgfgsdggedasfr | | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/6/6b/Howky_Stehend_Unten.png); |
| if (intedsdfgsdfgfgsdggedasfr==ones(string.len(intedsdfgsdfgfgsdggedasfr))) then
| | height: 76px; |
| asdfintegerodfghdfghtut = '<span class="linkwhite">'
| | width: 44px; |
| else | | bottom: -76px; |
| asdfintegerodfghdfghtut = '<span class="linkred">'
| | right: 0; |
| end
| | } |
| return asdfintegerodfghdfghtut | |
| end
| |
| |
| function getint(binnnarry, ineetger)
| | .howky.tragendBeidseitig:after { |
| return string.sub(binnnarry,ineetger,ineetger)
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/1/19/Howky_Stehend_Rechts.png); |
| end
| | height: 76px; |
| | width: 41px; |
| | bottom: 0; |
| | right: -41px; |
| | } |
| |
| function getmultint(binnnarry, ineetgerstarti, inteegerendi)
| | .howky.tragendBeidseitig:before { |
| return string.sub(binnnarry,ineetgerstarti,inteegerendi)
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/5/51/Howky_Stehend_Links.png); |
| end
| | height: 76px; |
| | width: 41px; |
| | bottom: 0; |
| | left: -41px; |
| | } |
| |
| function numtran(binsnnafsffarry, ineeggsdgtger)
| | /* +++++ 5. AUFTEILENDE BOXEN +++++ */ |
| return tran(getint(binsnnafsffarry, ineeggsdgtger))
| | .flexbox |
| end
| | { |
| | display: flex; |
| | flex-wrap: wrap; |
| | } |
| |
| function numtrancat(binsnsdfnafsffarry, ineegfdfggsdgtger)
| | .flexbox > * |
| return trancat(getint(binsnsdfnafsffarry, ineegfdfggsdgtger))
| | { |
| end
| | flex: 1 100%; |
| | } |
| |
| function numtranlinkopen(binhfghsnnarry, ineegdfsdhgtger)
| | .flexbox > .double |
| return tranlinkopen(getint(binhfghsnnarry, ineegdfsdhgtger))
| | { |
| end
| | flex: 1 49%; |
| | } |
| |
| function nummulttran(binsnwrtzeghnarry, ineegsgdfsdhftgereins, ineegsgdfsdhftgerzwei)
| | .flexbox > .triple |
| return multtran(getmultint(binsnwrtzeghnarry, ineegsgdfsdhftgereins, ineegsgdfsdhftgerzwei))
| | { |
| end
| | flex: 1 32%; |
| | } |
| |
| function nummulttranlinkopen(binsnnarry, ineegtgereins, ineegtgerzwei)
| | /* Allow limiting of which header levels are shown in a TOC; |
| return multtranlinkopen(getmultint(binsnnarry, ineegtgereins, ineegtgerzwei))
| | <div class="toclimit-3">, for instance, will limit to |
| end
| | showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further |
| | (as long as there are no =headings= on the page, which |
| | there shouldn't be according to the MoS). |
| | */ |
| | .toclimit-2 .toclevel-2, |
| | .toclimit-3 .toclevel-3, |
| | .toclimit-4 .toclevel-4, |
| | .toclimit-5 .toclevel-5, |
| | .toclimit-6 .toclevel-6, |
| | .toclimit-7 .toclevel-7 { display: none; } |
| |
| function categorylist()
| | /* +++++ 6. FIXIERTE INFINITYBARS +++++ */ |
| gegasdtitle = mw.title.new( "Gegenstände", "Yggdrasil" )
| | .sticky { |
| gegconfsatent = gegasdtitle:getContent()
| | position: fixed; |
| tabbfghbb = headertotable(gegconfsatent)
| | z-index: 99999999; |
| lastlist = {}
| | } |
| for eiwnes,zwwweites in pairs(tabbfghbb) do
| |
| if (tablelength(zwwweites) == 1) then
| |
| lastlist[zwwweites[1]] = {}
| |
| end
| |
| if (tablelength(zwwweites) == 2) then
| |
| table.insert(lastlist[zwwweites[1]],zwwweites[2])
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| return lastlist --Kategorie-->stringlist:subcategories
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function doubletablelength(taaabaaabaal)
| | /* +++++ 7. YGGDRASIL+++++ */ |
| seendlength = 0
| |
| for iaubgs,aousbd in pairs(taaabaaabaal) do
| |
| seendlength = seendlength+tablelength(aousbd)
| |
| end
| |
| |
| return seendlength
| | .ns-104 .mw-body h2 { |
| end
| | font-size: 3em; |
| --################################################################################################################################################################## | | font-family: serif; |
| --################################################################################################################################################################## | | color: #000eb9; |
| --################################################################################################################################################################## | | text-transform: capitalize; |
| --################################################################################################################################################################## | | } |
| --################################################################################################################################################################## | | .ns-104 .mw-body h3 { |
| --################################################################################################################################################################## | | font-size: 2.2em; |
| | font-family: serif; |
| | color: #006708; |
| | text-transform: capitalize; |
| | font-weight: normal; |
| | border-bottom: 1px solid #868686; |
| | padding-top: 0em; |
| | } |
| | .ns-104 .mw-body h4 { |
| | font-size: 1.6em; |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | font-family: sans-serif; |
| | padding-top: 0.2em; |
| | } |
| | .ns-104 .mw-body h5 { |
| | font-size: 1.2em; |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | font-family: sans-serif; |
| | } |
| | .ns-104 .mw-body h6 { |
| | font-size: 1em; |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | font-family: sans-serif; |
| | } |
| | /* |
| | .ns-104 .mw-body a { |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | |
| | } |
| | .ns-104 .mw-editsection a,.ns-104 .wikiEditor-ui-tabs div a{ |
| | font-weight: normal !important; |
| | } |
| | */ |
| | .ns-104 .wikiEditor-ui-controls{ |
| | background: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/thumb/5/55/Dankepf%C3%B6n.png/800px-Dankepf%C3%B6n.png); |
| | background-repeat: no-repeat; |
| | background-size: 16%; |
| | background-position-x: +99%; |
| | background-color: white; |
| | } |
| |
| | div#yggimg img { |
| | margin-top: 0.3em; |
| | max-width: 100%; |
| | max-height: 100%; |
| | height: auto; |
| | border: 0 !important; |
| | margin: auto; |
| | right: 0; |
| |
| function p.cutblock ( frame )
| | } |
| text = frame.args[3]-- "Die Schmiede"
| |
| width = tonumber(frame.args[2]) -- 4
| |
| height = tonumber(frame.args[1]) -- 12
| |
| block = ""
| |
| textlen = string.len(text) -- 12
| |
| tempsplit = {}
| |
| |
| |
| while (height>0 and textlen>=width) do -- 12>0 and 12>=4|11>0 and 11>=4
| |
| tempsplit = split(cut(width, text), "%%%@%%") -- ("Die", "Schmiede")| (
| |
| block = block..tempsplit[1].." " -- "Die "
| |
| text = tempsplit[2] -- "Schmiede"
| |
| height = height-1 -- 11
| |
| if (text==nil) then
| |
| text = ""
| |
| end
| |
| textlen = string.len(text) -- 8
| |
| end
| |
| if (height>0) then
| |
| block = block.." "..text
| |
| text = ""
| |
| end
| |
| |
| result = block.."%@%"..text
| |
| result = string.gsub(result, "%§", " ")
| |
| return result
| |
| |
| | .ns-104 .mw-body .toc h2{ |
| | font-weight: normal !important; |
| | |
| | } |
| |
| end
| | .ns-104 .mw-body .toc a{ |
| | font-weight: normal !important; |
| | |
| | } |
| |
| function p.cut( frame )
| | .yggclass #categoryListTitle { |
| testtext = ""
| | font-family: inherit; |
| realtext = frame.args[2] --Die Schmiede
| | font-size: 1em; |
| realtext = removespaceinlink(realtext) --Die Schmiede
| | font-weight: bold; |
| srealtext = split(realtext, " ") --Die|Schmiede(list)
| | color: #ffffff; |
| i = 2; --2
| | line-height: 1.5; |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..i..": "
| | margin: 0; |
| limit = tonumber(frame.args[1]) --4
| | padding: .1em 10px; |
| text = display(removespaceinlink(realtext)) --Die Schmiede
| | text-decoration: underline; |
| stext = split(text, " ") --Die|Schmiede(list)
| | border: 2px solid #A3ACBE; |
| | } |
| if(table.getn(stext)==1) then
| |
| if(string.len(stext[1])>limit) then
| |
| return "%@%"..text
| |
| else
| |
| return text.."%@%"
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| cuttext = stext[1] --Die
| |
| realcuttext = srealtext[1] --Die
| |
| |
| nextwo = stext[2] --Schmiede
| |
| realnextwo = srealtext[2] --Schmiede
| |
| |
| nextlen = string.len(nextwo)--8
| |
| textlen = string.len(text)--12
| |
| cuttextlen = string.len(cuttext)--3
| |
| |
| set = true;
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..i..": "..realcuttext
| |
| |
| if(limit>=textlen)then --4>=12
| |
| return realtext.."%@%"
| |
| |
| elseif(cuttextlen>limit) then--3>4
| |
| return "%@%"..realtext
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| else
| | .yggclass categoryListTitle { |
| while (cuttextlen+nextlen+1<=textlen+2) do --8+3+1<=12+2(12<=14)|14+3+1<=12+2(18<=14)
| | border: 5px solid #838FA7; |
| | text-decoration: none; |
| if(cuttextlen+nextlen+1>limit and set) then --8+3+1>4(12>4)|
| | } |
| set = false
| |
| cuttext = cuttext.."%@%" --"Die %@%"
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext.."%@%" --"Die %@%"
| |
| |
| else
| |
| cuttext = cuttext.." " --
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext.." " --
| |
| |
| end
| |
| -- testtext = testtext..tostring(i)..": "..realcuttext.."<br />"
| |
| i = i + 1 --3
| |
| |
| cuttext = cuttext..nextwo -- "Die%@%Schmiede"
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext..realnextwo -- "Die%@%Schmiede"
| |
| |
| nextwo = stext[i]-- nil
| |
| realnextwo = srealtext[i]-- nil
| |
| |
| if (nextwo ~= nil) then
| |
| nextlen = string.len(nextwo) -- 5
| |
| end
| |
| cuttextlen = string.len(cuttext) -- 14
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..i..": "..realcuttext
| |
| |
| end
| |
| realnextwo = srealtext[i]
| |
| if (realnextwo ~= nil) then
| |
| realcuttext = realcuttext.." "..realnextwo
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| testtext = testtext.."<br \>"..(i+1)..": "..realcuttext
| |
| return realcuttext
| |
| end
| |
| |
| function p.display ( frame )
| | /* +++++ 8. REGISTER+++++ */ |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | .registerselected { |
| text = text:gsub("'", "")
| | white-space: nowrap; |
| lend = string.len(text)
| | border: solid; |
| i=1
| | border-color: blueviolet; |
| auf = {}
| | border-bottom-color: white; |
| zu = {}
| | border-width: 2px; |
| currentauf = string.find(text, "%[%[")
| | padding: 0px; |
| while (currentauf ~= nil) do
| | text-align: center; |
| auf[i] = currentauf;
| | } |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")~=nil)then
| |
| currentauf = currentauf+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")
| |
| else
| |
| currentauf = nil
| |
| end
| |
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| i=1
| |
| currentzu = string.find(text, "%|")
| |
| while (currentzu ~= nil) do
| |
| zu[i] = currentzu;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%|")~=nil)then
| |
| currentzu = currentzu+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%|")
| |
| else
| |
| currentzu = nil
| |
| end
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| offset = 0
| |
| |
| if(table.getn(auf) == table.getn(zu))then
| |
| |
| i=1
| |
| while (table.getn(auf)>=i) do
| |
| anfang = auf[i]
| |
| ende = zu[i]
| |
| tt, uu = string.find(string.sub(text, 1, anfang-offset+1), "%[%[(.+)%|")
| |
| text = string.gsub(string.sub(text, 1, anfang-offset+1), "%[%[(.+)%|", "")..string.sub(text,anfang-offset+2,string.len(text))
| |
| -- text = string.sub(text,1,anfang-offset+1)..string.sub(text,ende+1-offset,string.len(text))
| |
| if (tt ~= nil) and (uu ~= nil) then
| |
| offset = offset+uu-tt
| |
| end
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| text = string.gsub(text, "%[%[(.+)%|", "")
| |
| end
| |
| |
| -- text = text:gsub("%[", "")
| |
| -- text = text:gsub("%|", "")
| |
| text = text:gsub("%]", "")
| |
| |
| | .registerunselected { |
| | white-space: nowrap; |
| | border: solid; |
| | border-color: blueviolet; |
| | border-width: 2px; |
| | padding: 0px; |
| | text-align: center; |
| | } |
| |
| return text
| | .registerunselected a{ |
| end
| | display:block; |
| | padding: 15px; |
| | padding-right: 40px; |
| | padding-left: 40px; |
| | background-color: tan; |
| | background-image: none; |
| | } |
| |
| | .registerselected a{ |
| | display:block; |
| | padding: 15px; |
| | padding-right: 40px; |
| | padding-left: 40px; |
| | background-color: bisque; |
| | background-image: none; |
| | } |
| | .registerunselected a:hover{ |
| | background-color: rosybrown; |
| | text-decoration: none; |
| | } |
| | .registerbetween { |
| | padding: 0; |
| | width: 0.2%; |
| | border-bottom: solid; |
| | border-bottom-color: blueviolet; |
| | border-width: 2px; |
| | text-align: center; |
| |
| | } |
| | .registerrest { |
| | border-bottom: solid; |
| | width:100%; |
| | border-bottom-color: blueviolet; |
| | border-width: 2px; |
| | text-align: center; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.split ( frame )
| | /* +++++ 9. HEADERTEST+++++ */ |
| spl = split(frame.args[1],frame.args[2])
| |
| i=1
| |
| t=""
| |
| while(i<=tablelength(spl)) do
| |
| t = t..spl[i].."\n\n"
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| return t | | body.page-Yggdrasil_Test1Ohnetitel h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Test2Ohnetitel h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Test3Ohnetitel h1 { |
| end
| | border: none; |
| | display: none; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.removespaceinlink(frame)
| | body.page-Yggdrasil_Test1Ohnetitel .mw-body, body.page-Yggdrasil_Test2Ohnetitel .mw-body, body.page-Yggdrasil_Test3Ohnetitel .mw-body { |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | padding-top: 0px; |
| i=1
| | } |
| auf = {}
| |
| zu = {}
| |
| currentauf = string.find(text, "%[%[")
| |
| while (currentauf ~= nil) do
| |
| auf[i] = currentauf;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")~=nil)then
| |
| currentauf = currentauf+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentauf+2), "%[%[")
| |
| else
| |
| currentauf = nil
| |
| end
| |
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| i=1
| |
| currentzu = string.find(text, "%]%]")
| |
| while (currentzu ~= nil) do
| |
| zu[i] = currentzu;
| |
| if (string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%]%]")~=nil)then
| |
| currentzu = currentzu+1+string.find(string.sub(text,currentzu+2), "%]%]")
| |
| else
| |
| currentzu = nil
| |
| end
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| if(table.getn(auf) == table.getn(zu))then
| |
| i=1
| |
| while (table.getn(auf)>=i) do
| |
| anfang = auf[i]
| |
| ende = zu[i]
| |
| text = string.sub(text,1,anfang-1)..string.gsub(string.sub(text,anfang,ende)," ","§")..string.sub(text,ende+1,string.len(text))
| |
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| return text
| |
| end
| |
| |
| | body.page-Benutzerin_Murmelgrumpf h1{ |
| | background-image: url( https://howtobeahero.de/images/thumb/4/40/Vinetest3.PNG/800px-Vinetest3.PNG ); |
| | background-position-y: -10px; |
| | font-style: italic; |
| | font-weight: bold; |
| | color: antiquewhite; |
| | } |
| |
| | body.page-Benutzerin_Murmelgrumpf .mw-wiki-logo:hover{ |
| | background-image: url(https://howtobeahero.de/images/thumb/4/4e/Wikioc.png/800px-Wikioc.png) |
| | } |
| |
| | .ns-104 .mw-collapsed { |
| | display: none !important; |
| | } |
| |
| | body.page-Headertest h1{ |
| | background-image: url( https://howtobeahero.de/images/thumb/7/70/Headertest2.png/800px-Headertest2.png ); |
| | color: transparent; |
| | border: none; |
| | background-repeat: no-repeat; |
| | background-size: 600px; |
| | } |
| |
| | body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion2 h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion3 h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion4 h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion5 h1, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion6 h1{ |
| | font-size:28.8px; |
| | margin-top: 0px; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.size ( frame )
| | body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion .firstHeading, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion2 .firstHeading, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion3 .firstHeading, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion4 .firstHeading, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion5 .firstHeading, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion6 .firstHeading{ |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | border: none; |
| return textSize(text)
| | display: none; |
| end
| | } |
| |
| | body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion #contentSub, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion2 #contentSub, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion3 #contentSub, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion4 #contentSub, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion5 #contentSub, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion6 #contentSub{ |
| | display: none; |
| | } |
| |
| | body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion h1 .mw-editsection, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion2 h1 .mw-editsection, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion3 h1 .mw-editsection, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion4 h1 .mw-editsection, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion5 h1 .mw-editsection, body.page-Yggdrasil_Religion6 h1 .mw-editsection{ |
| | display: none; |
| | } |
| | /* +++++ 10. REDAKTIONSMEETINGSHOWOFF+++++ */ |
| |
| | .box { |
| | color: #000; |
| | background-color: #f8f9fa; |
| | border: 1px solid #eaecf0; |
| | padding: 1em; |
| | font-family: monospace,'Courier'; |
| | display: block; |
| | margin-top: 1em; |
| | margin-bottom: 1em; |
| | } |
| |
| | .box p{ |
| | margin:0; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.size ( frame )
| | /* +++++ 11. NAVFRAME+++++ */ |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame { |
| return textSize(text)
| | border-top-style: none; |
| end
| | border-top-style: hidden; |
| | } |
| | div.NavPic { |
| | background-color: #fff; |
| | margin: 0; |
| | padding: 2px; |
| | /* @noflip */ |
| | float: left; |
| | } |
| | div.NavFrame div.NavHead { |
| | position: relative; |
| | } |
| | div.NavFrame p, |
| | div.NavFrame div.NavContent, |
| | div.NavFrame div.NavContent p { |
| | font-size: 100%; |
| | |
| | } |
| | div.NavEnd { |
| | margin: 0; |
| | padding: 0; |
| | line-height: 1px; |
| | clear: both; |
| | } |
| | a.NavToggle { |
| | position: absolute; |
| | top: 0; |
| | right: 1.8em; |
| | font-weight: normal; |
| | font-size: 120%; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.findg( frame )
| | .client-js .NavFrame.collapsed > .NavContent { |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | display: none; |
| d,s,r = string.find(text, "g") | | } |
| return d,s,r
| |
| |
| end
| | /* +++++ 12. TagSystem+++++ */ |
| | .tagholder { |
| | margin-left: auto; |
| | margin-right: auto; |
| | align-self: center; |
| | width:100%; |
| | text-align: center; |
| | } |
| | .tagselected { |
| | background-color: #ff3939; |
| | display: inline-block; |
| | border: 1px solid #ff3939; |
| | margin-right: 1em; |
| | margin-left: 1em; |
| | border-radius: 0.9em; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.indexold
| | .tagunselected { |
| ( frame )
| | background-color: #ffffff; |
| text = frame.args[1] | | display: inline-block; |
| stext = split (text, "§§§") | | border: 1px solid #ff3939; |
| currentpage = "" | | margin-right: 1em; |
| currentheaders= nil | | margin-left: 1em; |
| finish = "" | | border-radius: 0.9em; |
| i = 1 | | } |
| inde = 1
| | .tagunselected:hover { |
| while (i<=tablelength(stext)) do
| | background-color: #ff8e8e; |
| currentpage = stext[i]
| | background-image: none; |
| currentheaders = getheaderlimit(currentpage, "Yggdrasil")
| | text-decoration: none; |
| currentpage = string.sub(currentpage, 1, string.len(currentpage)-2)
| | } |
| headlen = tablelength(currentheaders)
| | .tagselected:hover { |
| inde = 1
| | background-color: #ff8e8e; |
| while (inde<=headlen) do
| | background-image: none; |
| finish = finish.."|[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde].."|"..currentheaders[inde].."]]\n|[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."|"..currentpage.."]]\n|-\n"
| | text-decoration: none; |
| | } |
| inde=inde+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| --text = frame.args[1]
| |
| --stext = split (text, "\n")
| |
| --ending = ""
| |
| |
| --for i = 1,tablelength(stext),1 do
| |
| -- currentsplit = split (stext[i], "%>")
| |
| -- leng = tablelength(currentsplit)
| |
| -- ending = ending.."|[[Yggdrasil:"..currentsplit[2].."#"..currentsplit[1].."|"..currentsplit[1].."]]\n|[[Yggdrasil:"..currentsplit[2].."|"..currentsplit[2].."]]\n|-\n"
| |
| --end
| |
| |
| return finish
| |
| end
| |
| |
| | .catselected { |
| | background-color: #ff3939; |
| | display: table; |
| | border: 1px solid #ff3939; |
| | border-radius: 0.9em; |
| | } |
| | .tagselected .catselected{ |
| | border: 1px solid #ffffff; |
| | } |
| | .catunselected { |
| | background-color: #ffffff; |
| | display: table; |
| | border: 1px solid #ff3939; |
| | border-radius: 0.9em; |
| | } |
| | .catunselected:hover { |
| | background-color: #ff8e8e; |
| | background-image: none; |
| | text-decoration: none; |
| | } |
| | .catselected:hover { |
| | background-color: #ff8e8e; |
| | background-image: none; |
| | text-decoration: none; |
| | } |
| |
| function p.yggrassen( frame )
| | .linkred a{ |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | display: block; |
| stext = split (text, "\n")
| | background-image: none !important; |
| haupttext = split (text, "'''Nebenrassen'''")[1]
| | padding-right: 0px !important; |
| nebentext = split (text, "'''Nebenrassen'''")[2]
| | text-decoration: none !important; |
| shaupttext = split (haupttext, "\n")
| | background: transparent !important; |
| snebentext = split (nebentext, "\n")
| | color: #ff3939 !important; |
| ending = "!<big>Hauptrassen</big>\n|-\n"
| | } |
| |
| for i = 2,tablelength(stext),1 do
| |
| if (stext[i]=="'''Nebenrassen'''") then
| |
| ending = ending.."!<big>Nebenrassen</big>\n|-\n"
| |
| else
| |
| ending = ending.."|<big>'''[[#"..stext[i].."|"..stext[i].."]]'''</big>\n|-\n"
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| return ending
| | .linkwhite a{ |
| | | display: block; |
| end
| | background-image: none !important; |
| | | padding-right: 0px !important; |
| | | text-decoration: none !important; |
| | | background: transparent !important; |
| function p.yggtab( frame )
| | color: #ffffff !important; |
| text = frame.args[1]
| | } |
| img = frame.args[2]
| |
| stext = split (text, "§§§")
| |
| exist = true
| |
| imgtext = ''
| |
| if (img~=nil and img~='' and img~='{{{img}}}') then
| |
| imgtext='<div id="yggimg">[[Datei:'..img..']]</div>\n'
| |
| |
| end
| |
| i=1
| |
| rettext='{|class="wikitable" style="width: 32%; float:right; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0px;"\n|-\n'
| |
| while (stext[i+1]~=nil) do
| |
| rettext=rettext..'!style="width:32%; padding: 10px;" |'..string.sub(stext[i],2,string.len(stext[i]))..'\n'
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| if (stext[i+1]~=nil and stext[i]~='-') then
| |
| rettext=rettext..'|style="width:68%; padding: 10px;" |'
| |
| end
| |
| |
| while (stext[i+1]~=nil and stext[i]~='-') do
| |
| if(string.sub(stext[i],1,1)=='/') then
| |
| rettext=rettext..string.sub(stext[i],2)
| |
| elseif(string.find(stext[i],'#')~=nil) then
| |
| found=string.find(stext[i],'#')
| |
| rettext=rettext..'[[Yggdrasil:'..string.sub(stext[i],1,found-1)..'#'..string.sub(stext[i],found+1,string.len(stext[i]))..'|'..string.sub(stext[i],found+1,string.len(stext[i]))..']]'
| |
| |
| else
| |
| rettext=rettext..'[[#'..stext[i]..'|'..stext[i]..']]'
| |
| end
| |
| rettext=rettext..'\n\n'
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| rettext=rettext..'|-\n'
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| |
| end
| |
| rettext=rettext..'|}'..stext[i-1]..'\n|style="width:20%; padding: 0; vertical-align:top;"|'..imgtext
| |
| return rettext
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.getpage( frame )
| |
| title = mw.title.new( frame.args[1], frame.args[2] )
| |
| content = title:getContent()
| |
| return content
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.getheader( frame )
| |
| title = mw.title.new( frame.args[1], frame.args[2] )
| |
| content = title:getContent()
| |
| --content = string.gsub(content, "([$$$]+)", "DIESER CHARACTER WIRD NICHT UNTERSTÜTZT")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "%=%=+", "§§§")
| |
| content = split("hallo"..content, "§§§")
| |
| i = 2
| |
| length = tablelength(content)
| |
| finaltext=""
| |
| while (i<=length) do
| |
| if (string.match(content[i], "[^[(%s)(%d)(%a)]]")==nil) then
| |
| finaltext = finaltext..content[i].."\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| i = i + 2
| |
| end
| |
| return finaltext
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function markheaders(content)
| |
| content = content.."\npuffercontent\n"
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "=\n", "=\npuffercontent\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "\n=%s*([^%=]+)%s*=\n", "\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "\n==%s*([^%=]+)%s*==\n", "\n!Anfang2!%1!2Ende!\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "\n===%s*([^%=]+)%s*===\n", "\n!Anfang3!%1!3Ende!\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "\n====%s*([^%=]+)%s*====\n", "\n!Anfang4!%1!4Ende!\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "\n=====%s*([^%=]+)%s*=====\n", "\n!Anfang5!%1!5Ende!\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content, "\n======%s*([^%=]+)%s*======\n", "\n!Anfang6!%1!6Ende!\n")
| |
| return content
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function onllyheaders(content)
| |
| content = markheaders(content)
| |
| content = string.gsub(content,"!.Ende!\n.-\n!Anfang", "\n\n")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content,".*!Anfang", "")
| |
| content = string.gsub(content,"!.Ende!.*", "")
| |
| return content
| |
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function headertotable(content)
| |
| testvar=""
| |
| |
| content = onllyheaders(content)
| |
| |
| firsthead=1
| |
| if (string.find(content, "1!")== nil) then
| |
| firsthead=firsthead+1
| |
| if (string.find(content, "2!")== nil) then
| |
| firsthead=firsthead+1
| |
| if (string.find(content, "3!")== nil) then
| |
| firsthead=firsthead+1
| |
| if (string.find(content, "4!")== nil) then
| |
| firsthead=firsthead+1
| |
| if (string.find(content, "5!")== nil) then
| |
| firsthead=firsthead+1
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| iiiiii={1,2,2,2,2,1}
| |
| content="puffer\n"..content.."\n\n2!Puffer"
| |
| iall=0
| |
| headersplit={}
| |
| headersplit[1] = split(content,tostring(firsthead).."!")
| |
| |
| |
| currenthead={}
| |
| finaltable={}
| |
| |
| while (iiiiii[1]<tablelength(headersplit[1])-1) do--tablelength(headersplit[1])
| |
| iall=iall+1
| |
| currenthead[1] = string.gsub(gmatchtable(headersplit[1][iiiiii[1]+1], ".-\n")[1],"\n","")
| |
| finaltable[iall]={currenthead[1]..testvar}
| |
| |
| headersplit[2] = split(headersplit[1][iiiiii[1]+1],tostring(firsthead+1).."!")
| |
| |
| while (iiiiii[2]<=tablelength(headersplit[2])) do
| |
| iall=iall+1
| |
| currenthead[2] = string.gsub(gmatchtable(headersplit[2][iiiiii[2]], ".-\n")[1],"\n","")
| |
| finaltable[iall]={currenthead[1],currenthead[2]}
| |
| headersplit[3] = split(headersplit[2][iiiiii[2]],tostring(firsthead+2).."!")
| |
| while (iiiiii[3]<=tablelength(headersplit[3])) do
| |
| iall=iall+1
| |
| currenthead[3] = string.gsub(gmatchtable(headersplit[3][iiiiii[3]], ".-\n")[1],"\n","")
| |
| finaltable[iall]={currenthead[1],currenthead[2],currenthead[3]}
| |
| |
| headersplit[4] = split(headersplit[3][iiiiii[3]],tostring(firsthead+3).."!")
| |
| while (iiiiii[4]<=tablelength(headersplit[4])) do
| |
| iall=iall+1
| |
| currenthead[4] = string.gsub(gmatchtable(headersplit[4][iiiiii[4]], ".-\n")[1],"\n","")
| |
| finaltable[iall]={currenthead[1],currenthead[2],currenthead[3],currenthead[4]}
| |
| |
| headersplit[5] = split(headersplit[4][iiiiii[4]],tostring(firsthead+4).."!")
| |
| while (iiiiii[5]<=tablelength(headersplit[5])) do
| |
| iall=iall+1
| |
| currenthead[5] = string.gsub(gmatchtable(headersplit[5][iiiiii[5]], ".-\n")[1],"\n","")
| |
| finaltable[iall]={currenthead[1],currenthead[2],currenthead[3],currenthead[4],currenthead[5]}
| |
| iiiiii[5]=iiiiii[5]+1
| |
| end
| |
| iiiiii[5]=2
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| iiiiii[4]=iiiiii[4]+1
| |
| end
| |
| iiiiii[4]=2
| |
| |
| |
| iiiiii[3]=iiiiii[3]+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| |
| iiiiii[3]=2
| |
| iiiiii[2]=iiiiii[2]+1
| |
| end
| |
| iiiiii[2]=2
| |
| iiiiii[1]=iiiiii[1]+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| return finaltable
| |
| | |
| end
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| function p.index( frame )
| |
| --content = displaytablevert(getindexformat())
| |
| text = frame.args[1]
| |
| stext = split (text, "§§§")
| |
| currentpage = ""
| |
| currentheaders= nil
| |
| finish = ""
| |
| tempfinish =""
| |
| i = 1
| |
| inde = 1
| |
| while (i<=tablelength(stext)) do
| |
| currentpage = stext[i]
| |
| currentheaders = headertotablelimit(currentpage, "Yggdrasil")
| |
| currentpage = string.sub(currentpage, 1, string.len(currentpage)-2)
| |
| headlen = tablelength(currentheaders)
| |
| inde = 1
| |
| while (inde<=headlen) do
| |
| if (tablelength(currentheaders[inde])==1) then
| |
| tempfinish = getindexformat()[1]
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1}}}", currentheaders[inde][1])
| |
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][1].."|"..currentheaders[inde][1].."]]")
| |
| |
| elseif(tablelength(currentheaders[inde])==2) then
| |
| tempfinish = getindexformat()[2]
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1}}}", currentheaders[inde][1])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2}}}", currentheaders[inde][2])
| |
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][1].."|"..currentheaders[inde][1].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][2].."|"..currentheaders[inde][2].."]]")
| |
| |
| elseif(tablelength(currentheaders[inde])==3) then
| |
| tempfinish = getindexformat()[3]
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1}}}", currentheaders[inde][1])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2}}}", currentheaders[inde][2])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3}}}", currentheaders[inde][3])
| |
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][1].."|"..currentheaders[inde][1].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][2].."|"..currentheaders[inde][2].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][3].."|"..currentheaders[inde][3].."]]")
| |
| |
| elseif(tablelength(currentheaders[inde])==4) then
| |
| tempfinish = getindexformat()[4]
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1}}}", currentheaders[inde][1])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2}}}", currentheaders[inde][2])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3}}}", currentheaders[inde][3])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h4}}}", currentheaders[inde][4])
| |
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][1].."|"..currentheaders[inde][1].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][2].."|"..currentheaders[inde][2].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][3].."|"..currentheaders[inde][3].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h4 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][4].."|"..currentheaders[inde][4].."]]")
| |
| |
| elseif(tablelength(currentheaders[inde])==5) then
| |
| tempfinish = getindexformat()[5]
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1}}}", currentheaders[inde][1])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2}}}", currentheaders[inde][2])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3}}}", currentheaders[inde][3])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h4}}}", currentheaders[inde][4])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h5}}}", currentheaders[inde][5])
| |
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][1].."|"..currentheaders[inde][1].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][2].."|"..currentheaders[inde][2].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][3].."|"..currentheaders[inde][3].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h4 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][4].."|"..currentheaders[inde][4].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h5 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][5].."|"..currentheaders[inde][5].."]]")
| |
| |
| elseif(tablelength(currentheaders[inde])==6) then
| |
| tempfinish = getindexformat()[6]
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1}}}", currentheaders[inde][1])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2}}}", currentheaders[inde][2])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3}}}", currentheaders[inde][3])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h4}}}", currentheaders[inde][4])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h5}}}", currentheaders[inde][5])
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h6}}}", currentheaders[inde][6])
| |
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h1 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][1].."|"..currentheaders[inde][1].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h2 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][2].."|"..currentheaders[inde][2].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h3 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][3].."|"..currentheaders[inde][3].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h4 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][4].."|"..currentheaders[inde][4].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h5 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][5].."|"..currentheaders[inde][5].."]]")
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{h6 link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."#"..currentheaders[inde][6].."|"..currentheaders[inde][6].."]]")
| |
| |
| |
| |
| end
| |
| if(tablelength(currentheaders[inde])~=0) then
| |
| if (currentpage=="Religion") then
| |
| currentpagedis = "Religion/Äscher"
| |
| elseif(currentpage=="Religion2") then
| |
| currentpagedis = "Religion/Lacerta"
| |
| elseif(currentpage=="Religion2") then
| |
| currentpagedis = "Religion/Lichtalben"
| |
| elseif(currentpage=="Religion2") then
| |
| currentpagedis = "Religion/Dunkelalben"
| |
| elseif(currentpage=="Religion2") then
| |
| currentpagedis = "Religion/Dweorgo"
| |
| elseif(currentpage=="Religion2") then
| |
| currentpagedis = "Religion/Andere"
| |
| else
| |
| currentpagedis = currentpage
| |
| end
| |
| |
| tempfinish = "|"..string.gsub(string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{page}}}", currentpagedis),"\n", "",1)
| |
| tempfinish = string.gsub(tempfinish, "{{{page link}}}", "[[Yggdrasil:"..currentpage.."|"..currentpagedis.."]]")
| |
| finish = finish..tempfinish.."\n|-\n"
| |
| end
| |
| inde=inde+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| i=i+1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| return finish
| |
| | |
| --<h2>
| |
| | |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.religion( frame )
| |
| ull = ""
| |
| if (frame.args[1]=="1") then
| |
| ull = '{{YggRegister|!Religion:Äscher|Religion2:Lacerta|Religion3:Lichtalben|Religion4:Dubkelalben|Religion5:Dweorgo|Religion6:Andere}}'
| |
| elseif (frame.args[1]=="2") then
| |
| ull = '{{YggRegister|Religion:Äscher|!Religion2:Lacerta|Religion3:Lichtalben|Religion4:Dubkelalben|Religion5:Dweorgo|Religion6:Andere}}'
| |
| elseif (frame.args[1]=="3") then
| |
| ull = '{{YggRegister|Religion:Äscher|Religion2:Lacerta|!Religion3:Lichtalben|Religion4:Dubkelalben|Religion5:Dweorgo|Religion6:Andere}}'
| |
| elseif (frame.args[1]=="4") then
| |
| ull = '{{YggRegister|Religion:Äscher|Religion2:Lacerta|Religion3:Lichtalben|!Religion4:Dubkelalben|Religion5:Dweorgo|Religion6:Andere}}'
| |
| elseif (frame.args[1]=="5") then
| |
| ull = '{{YggRegister|Religion:Äscher|Religion2:Lacerta|Religion3:Lichtalben|Religion4:Dubkelalben|!Religion5:Dweorgo|Religion6:Andere}}'
| |
| elseif (frame.args[1]=="6") then
| |
| ull = '{{YggRegister|Religion:Äscher|Religion2:Lacerta|Religion3:Lichtalben|Religion4:Dubkelalben|Religion5:Dweorgo|!Religion6:Andere}}'
| |
| end
| |
| return ull
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| | |
| function p.test( frame )
| |
| dieter, dieter2 = gegapi()
| |
| dieter2 = dieter2["Kampfutensilien"]["Nahkampfwaffen"][1]
| |
| leresti = "Dinge:\n"
| |
| for zahl,dingsi in pairs(dieter2) do
| |
| leresti = leresti.."*"..zahl..":"
| |
| if (dingsi[1]~=nil) then
| |
| for zahfgsal,didfsdhngsi in pairs(dingsi) do
| |
| leresti = leresti.." - "..didfsdhngsi
| |
| end
| |
| else
| |
| leresti = leresti.." "..dingsi
| |
| end
| |
| leresti = leresti.."\n"
| |
| end
| |
| |
| |
| return leresti
| |
| |
| | |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.options( frame )
| |
| stext = split (frame.args[1], "§§§")
| |
| lengthi = tablelength(stext)
| |
| finalthing = ""
| |
| tempeins = stext[1]
| |
| tempzwei = stext[2]
| |
| tempdrei = stext[3]
| |
| tempvier = stext[4]
| |
| tempfunf = stext[5]
| |
| tempsech = stext[6]
| |
| tempsieb = stext[7]
| |
| tempacht = stext[8]
| |
| tempneun = stext[9]
| |
| if (lengthi==2) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-50)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 51-100)"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==3) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-33)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 34-66)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 67-99)\n*Bei 100: Reroll"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==4) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-25)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 26-50)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 51-75)\n*"..tempvier.." (Bei 76-100)"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==5) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-20)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 21-40)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 41-60)\n*"..tempvier.." (Bei 61-80)\n*"..tempfunf.." (Bei 81-100)"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==6) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-16)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 17-32)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 33-48)\n*"..tempvier.." (Bei 49-64)\n*"..tempfunf.." (Bei 65-80)\n*"..tempsech.." (Bei 81-96)\n*Bei 97-100: Reroll"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==7) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[7],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsieb = "[[#"..tempsieb.."|"..tempsieb.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsieb = string.sub(tempsieb,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-14)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 15-28)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 29-42)\n*"..tempvier.." (Bei 43-56)\n*"..tempfunf.." (Bei 57-70)\n*"..tempsech.." (Bei 71-84)\n*"..tempsieb.." (Bei 85-98)\n*Bei 99-100: Reroll"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==8) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[7],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsieb = "[[#"..tempsieb.."|"..tempsieb.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsieb = string.sub(tempsieb,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[8],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempacht = "[[#"..tempacht.."|"..tempacht.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempacht = string.sub(tempacht,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-12)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 13-24)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 25-36)\n*"..tempvier.." (Bei 37-48)\n*"..tempfunf.." (Bei 49-60)\n*"..tempsech.." (Bei 61-72)\n*"..tempsieb.." (Bei 73-84)\n*"..tempacht.." (Bei 85-96)\n*Bei 97-100: Reroll"
| |
| elseif(lengthi==9) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[7],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsieb = "[[#"..tempsieb.."|"..tempsieb.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsieb = string.sub(tempsieb,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[8],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempacht = "[[#"..tempacht.."|"..tempacht.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempacht = string.sub(tempacht,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[9],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempneun = "[[#"..tempneun.."|"..tempneun.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempneun = string.sub(tempneun,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.." (Bei 1-11)\n*"..tempzwei.." (Bei 12-22)\n*"..tempdrei.." (Bei 23-33)\n*"..tempvier.." (Bei 34-44)\n*"..tempfunf.." (Bei 45-55)\n*"..tempsech.." (Bei 56-66)\n*"..tempsieb.." (Bei 67-77)\n*"..tempacht.." (Bei 78-88)\n*"..tempneun.." (Bei 89-99)\n*Bei 100: Reroll"
| |
| else
| |
| finalthing = "Die Anzahl an ausgewählten Optionen wird nicht unterstützt. Erkundige dich, dass du alles richtig geschrieben hast. Falls dir das Maximum von 9 Optionen nicht reicht wende dich bitte an [[Benutzerin:Murmelgrumpf]]"
| |
| end
| |
| return finalthing
| |
| |
| end
| |
| function p.optionsnodice( frame )
| |
| stext = split (frame.args[1], "§§§")
| |
| lengthi = tablelength(stext)
| |
| finalthing = ""
| |
| tempeins = stext[1]
| |
| tempzwei = stext[2]
| |
| tempdrei = stext[3]
| |
| tempvier = stext[4]
| |
| tempfunf = stext[5]
| |
| tempsech = stext[6]
| |
| tempsieb = stext[7]
| |
| tempacht = stext[8]
| |
| tempneun = stext[9]
| |
| if (lengthi==2) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei
| |
| elseif(lengthi==3) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei
| |
| elseif(lengthi==4) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei.."\n*"..tempvier
| |
| elseif(lengthi==5) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei.."\n*"..tempvier.."\n*"..tempfunf
| |
| elseif(lengthi==6) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei.."\n*"..tempvier.."\n*"..tempfunf.."\n*"..tempsech
| |
| elseif(lengthi==7) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[7],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsieb = "[[#"..tempsieb.."|"..tempsieb.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsieb = string.sub(tempsieb,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei.."\n*"..tempvier.."\n*"..tempfunf.."\n*"..tempsech.."\n*"..tempsieb
| |
| elseif(lengthi==8) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[7],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsieb = "[[#"..tempsieb.."|"..tempsieb.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsieb = string.sub(tempsieb,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[8],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempacht = "[[#"..tempacht.."|"..tempacht.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempacht = string.sub(tempacht,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei.."\n*"..tempvier.."\n*"..tempfunf.."\n*"..tempsech.."\n*"..tempsieb.."\n*"..tempacht
| |
| elseif(lengthi==9) then
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[1],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempeins = "[[#"..tempeins.."|"..tempeins.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempeins = string.sub(tempeins,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[2],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempzwei = "[[#"..tempzwei.."|"..tempzwei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempzwei = string.sub(tempzwei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[3],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempdrei = "[[#"..tempdrei.."|"..tempdrei.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempdrei = string.sub(tempdrei,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[4],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempvier = "[[#"..tempvier.."|"..tempvier.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempvier = string.sub(tempvier,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[5],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempfunf = "[[#"..tempfunf.."|"..tempfunf.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempfunf = string.sub(tempfunf,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[6],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsech = "[[#"..tempsech.."|"..tempsech.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsech = string.sub(tempsech,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[7],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempsieb = "[[#"..tempsieb.."|"..tempsieb.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempsieb = string.sub(tempsieb,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[8],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempacht = "[[#"..tempacht.."|"..tempacht.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempacht = string.sub(tempacht,2)
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.sub(stext[9],1,1)~="/") then
| |
| tempneun = "[[#"..tempneun.."|"..tempneun.."]]"
| |
| else
| |
| tempneun = string.sub(tempneun,2)
| |
| end
| |
| finalthing = "*"..tempeins.."\n*"..tempzwei.."\n*"..tempdrei.."\n*"..tempvier.."\n*"..tempfunf.."\n*"..tempsech.."\n*"..tempsieb.."\n*"..tempacht.."\n*"..tempneun
| |
| else
| |
| finalthing = "Die Anzahl an ausgewählten Optionen wird nicht unterstützt. Erkundige dich, dass du alles richtig geschrieben hast. Falls dir das Maximum von 9 Optionen nicht reicht wende dich bitte an [[Benutzerin:Murmelgrumpf]]"
| |
| end
| |
| return finalthing
| |
| |
| end
| |
| function p.kampf( frame )
| |
| stext = split (frame.args[1], "§§§") | |
| lengthi = tablelength(stext)
| |
| curthing = ""
| |
| eendrest = ""
| |
| for nudmbr,crdrent in ipairs(stext) do
| |
| curthing = split (stext[nudmbr], ">")
| |
| eendrest = eendrest.."|"..curthing[1].."\n|"..curthing[2].."\n|"..curthing[3].."\n|-\n"
| |
| end
| |
| return eendrest
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.dia( frame )
| |
| stext = split (frame.args[1], "§§§")
| |
| lengthi = tablelength(stext)
| |
| curthing = ""
| |
| eendrest = ""
| |
| for nudmbr,crdrent in ipairs(stext) do
| |
| curthing = split (stext[nudmbr], ":")
| |
| eendrest = eendrest.."\n'''"..curthing[1]..":'''\n\n„"..curthing[2].."“\n"
| |
| end
| |
| eendrest = string.gsub(eendrest, "(\n[\n%s]*)", "''%1''")
| |
| return eendrest
| |
| end
| |
| function p.image( frame )
| |
| imaage = "[[Datei:"..frame.args[1]
| |
| if (frame.args[2]~=nil) then
| |
| imaage = imaage.."|"..frame.args[2]
| |
| end
| |
| if (frame.args[3]~=nil) then
| |
| imaage = imaage.."|"..frame.args[3]
| |
| end
| |
| if (frame.args[4]~=nil) then
| |
| imaage = imaage.."|"..frame.args[4]
| |
| end
| |
| if (frame.args[5]~=nil) then
| |
| imaage = imaage.."|"..frame.args[5]
| |
| end
| |
| if (frame.args[6]~=nil) then
| |
| imaage = imaage.."|"..frame.args[6]
| |
| end
| |
| imaage = imaage.."]]"
| |
| return imaage
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| | |
| function p.vid( frame )
| |
| stext = split (frame.args[2], "§§§")
| |
| seend = "Hier kannst du das Abenteuer von ["..frame.args[1].."] noch ein mal nachschauen! Viel Spaß! :)\n"..'{|class="wikitable"\n|-\n'
| |
| for nuudmbr,curdrent in ipairs(stext) do | |
| seend = seend.."!Teil "..tostring(nuudmbr).."\n"
| |
| end
| |
| seend = seend.."|-\n"
| |
| for nuudmbr,curdrent in ipairs(stext) do
| |
| seend = seend.."|"..curdrent.."\n"
| |
| end
| |
| seend = seend.."|-\n|}\n"
| |
| return seend
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.talents( frame )
| |
| handeln = split (frame.args[1], "\n")
| |
| wissen = split (frame.args[2], "\n")
| |
| soziales = split (frame.args[3], "\n")
| |
| lenlist = {}
| |
| lenlist[1] = tablelength(handeln)
| |
| lenlist[2] = tablelength(wissen)
| |
| lenlist[3] = tablelength(soziales)
| |
| highesst = gethighest(lenlist)
| |
| intex = 1
| |
| selast = ""
| |
| while (intex<=highesst) do
| |
| selast = selast.."|"
| |
| if (handeln[intex]~=nil) then
| |
| selast = selast..handeln[intex]
| |
| end
| |
| selast = selast.."\n|"
| |
| if (wissen[intex]~=nil) then
| |
| selast = selast..wissen[intex]
| |
| end
| |
| selast = selast.."\n|"
| |
| if (soziales[intex]~=nil) then
| |
| selast = selast..soziales[intex]
| |
| end
| |
| selast = selast.."\n|-\n"
| |
| intex = intex+1
| |
| end
| |
| return selast
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.description( frame )
| |
| stext = split (frame.args[1], "§§§")
| |
| eerndrest=""
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Szene")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."'''Szenen:'''\nSzenen geben Handlung und Orte vor, die die Spieler meist passiv miterleben.\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Inter")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."'''<span style='color:#BB0011;'>Interaktionen:</span>'''\nInteraktionen sind aktive Szenen, die eine Interaktion mit den Spielern erfordern.\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Kursiv")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."''Kursive Texte:''\nKursive Texte können wörtlich vorgetragen werden und beinhalten meist direkte Rede oder Beschreibungen.\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Probe")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."'''<span style='color:#31B404;'>Proben:</span>'''\nSteht für mögliche Talentwürfe, welche die Spieler ablegen müssen.\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Moral")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."'''<span style='color:#00b8ff;'>Moral:</span>'''\nBeinhaltet Situationen, an denen die Spieler moralische Fragen beantworten müssen, die sich auf den Verlauf des Abenteuers auswirken können.\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Module")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."'''<span style='color:#4B088A;'>Module:</span>'''\nBeinhalten Regeln, die zusätzlich zum Grundregelwerk in diesem Abenteuer verwendet werden.\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| if(tabContains(stext,"Box")) then
| |
| eerndrest = eerndrest.."<div class='box'>'''Boxen:''' Boxen stehen für Spielleiterhinweise und beinhalten meist Hintergrundinformationen, welche die Spieler nicht haben können.</div>\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| return string.sub(eerndrest,0,string.len(eerndrest)-2)
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.ygggegerror ( frame )
| |
| displayedtext = "\n\n----\n\n"
| |
| listeeins, listezwei = gegapi()
| |
| headerends = {}
| |
| schlagworte = schlagwortliste()
| |
| for eines,zweites in pairs(listeeins) do
| |
| table.insert(headerends,listeeins[eines]["Name"])
| |
| for qfsdf,zweihgfhgtes in pairs(listeeins[eines]["Schlagwörter"]) do
| |
| if (tabContains(schlagworte,zweihgfhgtes)==nil) then
| |
| displayedtext = displayedtext..'<span style="color:red;"><big><big><big> Falsches Schlagwort gefunden: "'..zweihgfhgtes..'"'..", unter: '''("..listeeins[eines]["Category"].." - "..listeeins[eines]["Subcategory"].." - "..listeeins[eines]["Name"]..")'''!Bitte Ändern!</big></big></big>"..'</span>\n\n----\n\n'
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| dupeeeetab = duptable(headerends)
| |
| for zup,dupeeee in pairs(dupeeeetab) do
| |
| if (dupeeee~=nil) then
| |
| displayedtext = displayedtext..'<span style="color:red;"><big><big><big>Duplikat gefunden: "'..listeeins[dupeeee[1]]["Name"]..'"'..", unter: '''("..listeeins[dupeeee[1]]["Category"]..' - '..listeeins[dupeeee[1]]["Subcategory"]..")''' und unter: '''("..listeeins[dupeeee[2]]["Category"]..' - '..listeeins[dupeeee[2]]["Subcategory"]..")''' !Bitte Ändern!</big></big></big>"..'</span>\n\n----\n\n'
| |
| end
| |
| end
| |
| |
| |
| return displayedtext
| |
| | |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.testzwei ( frame )
| |
| | |
| |
| return frame.args["test"]
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.cur ( frame )
| |
| thingtext = frame.args[1]
| |
| thingtext = string.gsub(thingtext, "(\n+)", "''%1''")
| |
| return thingtext
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.probe ( frame )
| |
| return "'''<span style='color:#31B404;'>"..string.gsub(frame.args[1], "(\n+)" , "</span>'''%1'''<span style='color:#31B404;'>").."</span>'''"
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| function p.taglist ( frame )
| |
| currenttagstate = frame.args[1]
| |
| currentcatstate = frame.args[2]
| |
| allsetcats = categorylist()
| |
| allsetags = schlagwortliste()
| |
| if (string.len(currenttagstate)~=tablelength(allsetags)) then
| |
| currenttagstate = zeros(tablelength(allsetags))
| |
| end
| |
| if (string.len(currentcatstate)~=doubletablelength(allsetcats)) then
| |
| currentcatstate = zeros(doubletablelength(allsetcats))
| |
| end
| |
| |
| currentsite = "Tagtest"
| |
| sefinalendtext = '{|class="tagholder"\n|style="width:50%"|\n'
| |
| tagstatelength = string.len(currenttagstate)
| |
| catstatelength = string.len(currentcatstate)
| |
| countcat = 1
| |
| |
| for curcatname,cursubcats in pairs(allsetcats) do
| |
| cursublength = tablelength(cursubcats)
| |
| catstdif = catstatelength-cursublength+1
| |
| |
| sefinalendtext = sefinalendtext..'{|class="'..nummulttran(currentcatstate,catstdif,catstatelength)..'"\n|'..nummulttranlinkopen(currentcatstate,catstdif,catstatelength)..'[https://howtobeahero.de/index.php?title='..currentsite..'&tagstate='..currenttagstate..'&catstate='..multchangebinall(currentcatstate, catstdif, catstatelength).." "..curcatname..":]</span>\n"
| |
| nowcatstatelength = catstatelength-cursublength
| |
| while (catstatelength>nowcatstatelength) do
| |
| cursubcatname = allsetcats[curcatname][catstatelength-nowcatstatelength]
| |
| sefinalendtext = sefinalendtext..'{|class="'..numtrancat(currentcatstate,catstatelength)..'"\n|'..numtranlinkopen(currentcatstate,catstatelength)..'[https://howtobeahero.de/index.php?title='..currentsite..'&tagstate='..currenttagstate..'&catstate='..changebin(currentcatstate,catstatelength).." "..cursubcatname.."]</span>\n|}\n"--..numtranlinkopen(
| |
| catstatelength = catstatelength-1
| |
| end
| |
| sefinalendtext = sefinalendtext.."\n|}\n"
| |
| if (countcat%2==0) then
| |
| sefinalendtext = sefinalendtext.."\n"
| |
| |
| end
| |
| countcat=countcat+1
| |
| |
| end
| |
| |
| sefinalendtext = sefinalendtext..'|style="width:40%"|\n'
| |
| while (tagstatelength>0) do
| |
| sefinalendtext=sefinalendtext..'{|class="'..numtran(currenttagstate,tagstatelength)..'"\n|'..numtranlinkopen(currenttagstate,tagstatelength)..'[https://howtobeahero.de/index.php?title='..currentsite..'&tagstate='..changebin(currenttagstate,tagstatelength)..'&catstate='..currentcatstate.." "..allsetags[tagstatelength]..' •]</span>\n|}\n'
| |
| tagstatelength = tagstatelength-1
| |
| end
| |
| |
| sefinalendtext=sefinalendtext..'|style="width:10%"|\n'
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| sefinalendtext=sefinalendtext..'|}'
| |
| return sefinalendtext.."\n\n"
| |
| end
| |
| | |
| return p
| |