Translations:Rechnerische Charaktererstellung/36/en
Action 7 (EP: 1) | Knowledge 17 (EP: 2) | Social 16 (EP: 2) |
Spent:70 | Spent: 170 | Spent: 160 |
Playing Soccer: 40 + 7 =47 | Conception of Pen-and-Paper: 75 + 17 = 92 | Acting: 68 16 = 84 |
Mobility: 30 + 7 = 37 | Crazy Backstory: 40 + 17 = 57 | Illustrate a wiki: 40 + 16 = 56 |
Media Marketing: 55 + 17 = 72 | Interaction with beans: 52 + 16 = 68 |