Vor- und Nachteile/en: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

11 April 2022

9 April 2021

5 April 2021

23 August 2020

  • curprev 01:3601:36, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,415 bytes −76 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „''The Gamemaster explains that all eyes are on Alex as he enters the bar and one of the security personnel goes backstage immediately. Alex correctly notices t…“
  • curprev 01:3601:36, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,491 bytes −19 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „===Earn disadvantages=== If a characteristic is interpreted as a disadvantage for the character, the player can earn an eureka point.“
  • curprev 01:3401:34, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,510 bytes −98 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „''Alex wants into the club without paying and claims that the bouncer has to allow him VIP-entrance. To do this he pays an eureka point and is actually let in…“
  • curprev 01:3301:33, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,608 bytes −17 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „===Pay advantages=== When you want to use your characteristics to your advantage, you can pay an eureka point.“
  • curprev 01:3301:33, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,625 bytes −51 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „This chapter marks an additional rule that is not necessary for characteristics to work, but adds another aspect that will make your roleplaying more faceted a…“
  • curprev 01:3201:32, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,676 bytes −11 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „==Use of eureka points==“
  • curprev 01:3201:32, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 9,687 bytes −493 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{| class="wikitable sortable" ! Name !! Description |- |Fearless || You're not easily intimidated. No danger can frighten you, but you will often ignore a warn…“
  • curprev 01:1101:11, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,180 bytes +118 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „In the following you will find some examples of characteristics. Even though every player and game-master may should of course give free rein to his creativity…“
  • curprev 01:1001:10, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,062 bytes −1 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „===Examples===“
  • curprev 01:1001:10, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,063 bytes −83 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „''Jonas has taken the characteristic "pacifist". When Susanne gets into a fight with the salesman, his calm disposition and conciliatory nature allow him to de…“
  • curprev 01:1001:10, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,146 bytes −24 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „You can give your character one to a maximum of two characteristics. The important thing when choosing is that you should be able to play out these characteris…“
  • curprev 01:0901:09, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,170 bytes −244 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „While disadvantages describe pure disadvantages, characteristics are more general. Therefore no points will be awarded on it. Characteristics are traits of a c…“
  • curprev 01:0901:09, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,414 bytes 0 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „==Characteristics==“
  • curprev 01:0901:09, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,414 bytes −35 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „''Tobias plays a socially incompetent character. But since he wants to give his character even more depth and wants to have another 40 points on computer knowl…“
  • curprev 01:0901:09, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,449 bytes −46 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „As compensation, you can work out a proportional bonus together with the game-master. These can be additional items, better finance, more skill or life points.…“
  • curprev 01:0801:08, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,495 bytes −36 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „''Agnes has given herself a disadvantage “irascible” with -20. If the dice roll result is less than 20, her character reacts to the insult with unbridled r…“
  • curprev 01:0701:07, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,531 bytes −64 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „These disadvantages are marked with a minus in its skill sets but do not affect the calculation of the talent-value or ability-value and do not receive a bon…“
  • curprev 01:0601:06, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,595 bytes −54 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Abilities describe the strengths and advantages of a character which you can use as a tool to overcome problems. Furthermore your character can have disadvanta…“
  • curprev 01:0501:05, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,649 bytes +4 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „==Disadvantages==“
  • curprev 01:0501:05, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,645 bytes −120 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Every person is different. Some people are even restricted or inherently have some special advantages. These differences are described very well in their abili…“
  • curprev 01:0401:04, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,765 bytes −58 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Offiziell}} ''''' This chapter describes an optional module. It’s especially recommended for game-masters and players who have already gained some experien…“
  • curprev 01:0401:04, 23 August 2020Mewo talk contribs 10,823 bytes +10,823 Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Advantages and disadvantages“